martes, 11 de marzo de 2008

book report

Sorry: You will find the format I want under: "classic format" classification. See you around!

Book report format

Hello guys! I guess you are looking forwards to Eastern vacations! I hope you enjoy yourselves a lot. Here is the format for the book report. Use the regular format.

martes, 4 de marzo de 2008

Have a look at this!

Hello guys! I am really glad to see the way you are responding to my invitation to hear news reports. I also want you to get in touch with a page I once came across. It is about meteorogical issues. I want you to get to hear here things taht may be of your interest and send your comments. I am really having fun at reading what you write! eventhough I haven't been able to reply on time sometimes, be sure I will read you all eventually.

this is the link, give it a try and let me know wahat you think. Have fun too!